
Written by Thomas
Updated 2 years ago

Managing Feed Sources – LinkedIn

How to add a LinkedIn account to Please Share

Learn how to add a LinkedIn feed source to Please Share

Written by Thomas
Updated 2 years ago

How do I enable or disable a LinkedIn feed source within Please Share?

Learn how to enable to disable a LinkedIn feed source within Please Share.

Written by Thomas
Updated 2 years ago
Written by Thomas
Updated 2 years ago

Managing Feed Sources – Twitter

Written by Thomas
Updated 2 years ago

How do I enable or disable a Twitter feed source within Please Share?

Learn how to enable to disable a Twitter feed source within Please Share.

Written by Thomas
Updated 2 years ago

How to add a Twitter handle to Please Share

Learn how to add a Twitter feed source to Please Share

Written by Thomas
Updated 1 year ago
Written by Thomas
Updated 2 years ago

Removing Older Posts

How long should specific posts appear in Slack before being removed?

Suggested guidelines for how long to keep social media posts in Slack.

Written by Thomas
Updated 2 years ago

How do I remove older social media posts from Slack?

Configure Please Share to automatically remove LinkedIn and Twitter posts from Slack.

Written by Thomas
Updated 2 years ago