How to add a Twitter handle to Please Share

Learn how to add a Twitter feed source to Please Share
Written by Thomas
Updated 1 year ago

To utilize Please Share to boost engagement with company posts on Twitter, you will need to add your Twitter handle (aka "feed"). This is a simple process and only takes a minute or two.

Feeds are a great way to get started with Please Share. Once a feed source has been added – such as your company’s Twitter handle – the task of encouraging employees to engage with posts is completely automated.
Note: In order to add a Twitter handle to Please Share, you must be following the specific handle within your Twitter account.

Add a Twitter Handle to Please Share

Follow these steps to get started:

1. Log into Please Share and select Feeds from the left-hand menu.

2. On the top right-hand side of the Manage Feeds page, select the Add New Source button.

3. From the popup window that appears, select Twitter.

4. You will be directed to a Twitter page where you will be asked Authorize permission for Please Share to use your account to pull updates for a specific Twitter handle.

5. Upon authorizing your Twitter account (with Please Share), you will be directed back to a popup message within the Please Share app.  Simply add your Twitter handle – including the “@” symbol – and then select the Slack channel where you want new updates to appear.

6. Administrators can designate a time frame for when tweets should be removed from the Slack channel – if at all. We leave this up to you to decide but believe it’s a best practice to set a schedule to remove posts from Slack after a few days. Doing so keeps your team focused on the latest engagement requests.

7. Choose the Slack notification type that should appear with new posts. @channel notifies everyone – who follows the channel – when a new post arrives, @here only notifies those who are actively using Slack and, as the name suggests, None does not notify the channel.

For more information on @channel and @here, visit the Slack help center.

8. Finally, toggle the Send to Slack button to the “on” position. Doing so will begin looking for new Twitter posts and sending them to Slack. The initial post may take up to 15 minutes to appear. 

When Send to Slack is in the "Off" position, Please Share will continue to fetch new posts from Twitter, but will not automatically send them to Slack. Instead, posts will appear in the Engagement History section within the History page where they can be manually sent to a Slack channel at a later date.

Once configured and turned on, Please Share will begin fetching new Twitter posts and sending them to a designated Slack channel. When a Tweet appears in Slack, it will look something like this...

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