What is the difference between share requests and engagement requests?

Written by Thomas
Updated 3 years ago

Please Share enables companies to submit two different types of requests to Slack. The two options complement each other but serve different purposes.

Share Requests

Share requests are used by companies to encourage their employees to "share" approved company messages on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Doing so helps improve the overall “reach” of important news and announcements. 

For instance, if 25 employees share a message on LinkedIn and each employee averages 500 connections, the potential reach of that message is 12,500 people (500*25 = 12,500).

Share requests help companies leverage their employees to spread the news about certain updates, job postings, and other announcements.

Engagement Requests

Engagement requests – also referred to as “feeds” within Please Share – are designed to boost "engagement" with the posts that appear on a company’s social media channels. 

The term engagement refers to the ways in which an individual employee can interact with a message on Twitter or LinkedIn – that is, like, share/retweet, and comment/reply.

Once configured within Please Share, engagement requests are completely automated so there is very little that needs to be managed on an ongoing basis. Employees are notified of new company updates on Twitter and/or LinkedIn and can engage with the posts directly from Slack.

Posts with more engagement activity on LinkedIn and Twitter are prone to attract more attention and thereby improving the likelihood others will see and engage with the content. 

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