How do I subscribe to Please Share?

Learn how to upgrade to a Please Share subscription plan.
Written by Thomas
Updated 2 years ago

Once your 30-day trial period ends, you can upgrade to a paid subscription plan by following these steps.

  • Log in to the Please Share web application
  • Select Settings and then Account Settings from the left-hand menu
  • Under Plan Details, select upgrade
  • When prompted, select the Proceed to Checkout button
  • Complete the payment details and select the Subscribe button

If successful, you will be taken back to the Please Share settings page where, under Plan Details, you will see your current subscription plan.

Subscriptions are based on the number of authenticated employees in your company's Slack workspace. An authenticated employee is someone who has authenticated his or her LinkedIn and/or Twitter account through Please Share.

Should you have any questions about subscribing to the Please Share service, you can reach us here.

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