Please Share currently associates monetary values to the following seven events that occur when companies use our service, either for share requests or social media engagement requests.
Share Request Values
- Awareness value (default value set to $1.50 USD)
- Share value (default value set to $3.00 USD)
- Click value (default value set to $5.00 USD)
Engagement Request Values
- Awareness value (default value set to $1.50 USD)
- Like value (default value set to $2.00 USD)
- Reshare value (default value set to $3.00 USD)
- Comment value (default value set to $5.00 USD)
The actual monetary value associated with each event is largely subjective. That is why we enable companies to modify the event values as they see fit. However, here is how we determined the default values as seen within Please Share.
Awareness Value
The awareness value attempts to quantify a value associated with the number of unique employees who see that a company has produced new content, be it a blog, job posting or an event, etc. This is calculated based on the number of unique employees who took at least one action on a social media share or engagement request within Slack.
The more employees become familiar with a company’s communications, the more knowledgeable they become about important communications. For each event that occurs, we have assigned a default value of $1.50 USD.
Share Value
The share value is generated with each explicit action taken by an employee to share brand-approved content on LinkedIn, Twitter and/or Facebook. While the action itself only takes a few seconds to complete using the Please Share service, the result is that the company’s message will be broadcast to an audience of that employee’s connections and followers.
While it is highly unlikely that every person in an employee’s network would see a particular post, the end result is that company content will be in front of a slightly bigger audience than had the employee not shared the message. Because of the potential reach associated with each share request, we assigned a default value of $3.00 USD.
Click Value
Every company wants click traffic from its content. Getting employees to broadcast messages is an affordable and effective way to do so. The reality is that any clicks resulting from using Please Share are free. They are what we refer to as earned media.
That said, what would you pay for these clicks on the open market? Highly competitive keywords can cost $25 USD or more per click.
For click value, we referenced LinkedIn data which indicated that on average, companies pay $5.58 per click on their properties, and clickthrough rates are typically between .44 and .65%. Using inexact science, we just rounded down to settle on $5.00 USD for each click generated using Please Share.
Like Value
What’s the value of a like on LinkedIn and Twitter? We looked an could not value a definitive source so we decided on $2.00 USD per like.
While this may seem high, content engagement is important for boosting company messages on social media channels. The more likes it receives, the better chance it will be seen by more people. Likes are the easiest way for employees to engage with company content and we think the end result is worth a couple of bucks.
Reshare Value
This is the process of an employee sharing or retweeting a company’s post on LinkedIn or Twitter, respectively. Because the resulting action broadcasts the message to an employee's connections or followers, the potential audience increases. For this, we set a default value of $3.00 USD, which is identical to the default Share Value above.
Comment Value
Similar to setting a value for likes, determining a value for comments or replies is not an exact science. But comments are an important way to boost engagement with a company’s post on LinkedIn or Twitter. Comments tend to lead to more comments, which improves the overall visibility of a post on social media channels - a common goal for any post. Recognizing that comments require a bit more of a commitment from employees, carry more weight than likes, and are visible when viewing a post, we opted to set the default value to $5.00 USD.
Adjust Values as You See Fit
Recognizing that it would be difficult to reach a consensus across all customers (for each event value), Please Share enables companies to adjust the default values as they deem appropriate. For more information on how to do this, click here.