How do you post an update to Slack using Please Share?

Learn how to post an update (aka share requests) to Slack from Please Share.
Updated 2 years ago

Posting “share requests” (aka updates) to Slack is incredibly easy with Please Share. 

Simply log in to the Please Share web application and use the social media templates to enter the content that you would like your team to share. When everything looks okay, select Post to send the update to Slack

To learn more, watch this short video tutorial (1:05) or follow the details noted below.

Steps to Follow to Post an Update to Slack

To post an update to Slack, simply follow these steps.

  1. Use the Description field to add a note to your team about the share request. This is for internal use only and nothing entered in this field will be shared on social media.

    It is recommended that Please Share admin users include the URL of the content that they would like their team to share in the Description field. Doing so will generate a preview of the content when the share request appears in Slack. However, as of November 2021, including URL in the Description field is no longer required.
  2. Next, add content to at least one of the respective social media templates. 

    You must use at least one but you are not required to use all three. So, for instance, if you want team members to share content on Twitter and LinkedIn but not Facebook, just leave the Facebook field blank and that option will not be presented to your team members when they share request appears in Slack.

    Images not specifically optimized for LinkedIn can render incorrectly. Therefore, with creating an update for LinkedIn, you can include a URL to another image that will appear with the update (when shared on LinkedIn).
  3. Finally, take a look at the preview of your message – as it will appear in Slack – on the right side of the screen. If everything looks okay, select the Post button and your update will appear in the designated Slack channel a few moments later. 

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